Sparrowhill. A quiet little suburb just to the left of Lanshire. Its exotic coastline and rolling mountains make it the perfect, peaceful environment for people of all ages. As long as they bypass the insane asylum just up the road. And it is here, in this growing community, that you find yourself being drawn to a large estate painted in brick red. Walking up the sidewalk, you'll soon find your eyes fixed on the lady of the house...
World, meet Sophia. Sophia, World. I'm sure you two will grow to be best friends. Sophia Hess. Mid 20's. Pisces. Loves all things artsy and crafty. Also loves the male species. Young Miss Hess, fresh from Ospoint University, has come to Sparrowhill from her native Ospoint to find love...and a really good funeral home.
As previously state, Sophia really enjoys the world of arts. Painting, sculpting, sewing...she loves it all! While waiting for the welcome wagon, she decided to work on crafting some nice plates. After all, a man likes a girl who is good with her hands and isn't afraid to get a tad bit dirty. And Sophia is sure to do anything to please.

The welcome wagon was disappointing at best. No potential in this crowd! But Sophia won't be thwarted. She might not be able to marry this guy but she could use the friendship. ...What? Completely innocent intentions, I swear!

The rest of the group was just as useless. Shura's girlfriend was the best looking one in the bunch, which is sad to say. The only other male was far too young for Sophia's taste. Yes, despite her intent, Sophia does have morals. Albeit mostly misguided ones.

This simply would not do! She demands a male caller! So she sought advice from her redhead kin, Celeste Lam. Her friend told her that if she was desperate enough, she should seek out the Matchmaker. After all, that's how Celeste met her true love. Bah! Sophia doesn't need to seek otherworldly help! She can find some solution to this problem on her own.

So she did the next logical thing: Hunt. Hunt for the men in their modern-day watering hole. So Sophia pranced over to the nearby sports bar but alas! No men! There was a strange large woman in green playing pool but...wait! What's that? A male! Yes! Sophia made contact. He wasn't the best looking man she'd ever seen, however...He would be of some use later.

After leaving the bar, she tried the personal ads in the newspaper. Nothing came of it. Oh, the humanity! Where are all the good men!? Poor little redhead. This new life isn't quite what she'd hope it be.

She finally decided to swallow her pride as a self-proclaimed man magnet and gave the Matchmaker a call. She didn't have much money but she paid all she could. She wanted someone hot! The matchmaker ensured her she'd get someone perfect for her...

...Well...beggars can't be choosers. Aside from having some strong features, he's rather nice. Let's hope their children take after Sophia and not him, yes? After thanking the Matchmaker and ensuring her services would be needed again in the future (making the woman give her an odd look), Sophia proceeded to whoo her companion.

All things went over well. The two bonded over their shared love of arts and nature. Before long, they found themselves exploring each other's lips, all the while ignoring the movie they intended to watch. Ah, love. Isn't it heart warming?

Before long, it was time to ask. Sophia smiled cutely and batted her eyes. Before even finishing her question, he shouted "YES!" and hugged her tight. Poor little Sabastian. You won't be an eager beaver for long, I'm sure. This girl has plans for you...but enough of that! Welcome to Casa de Hess, Mr. Collins.
Sabastian Collins
Romance Sim
20 Simultaneous Lovers
Brought a Nature Plaque + $1
Romance Sim
20 Simultaneous Lovers
Brought a Nature Plaque + $1

Despite loving his devotion to nature, Sophia demanded that he find some better clothing. If he wanted to be seed with her, he had to look just as good as she did. Or close enough. Now see? Knew there was a handsome guy under all that grass. After some more cuddling to satisfy her hunger, Sophia sent him off to do his own thing. An artist too, he found himself drawn to the easel while his beloved resumed making potholders. Perhaps he'll be a sweetie and paint a pretty portrait of our dear Black Widow?

Though she had no feelings either on the subject, Sophia began thinking of children. This house was so big, the two of them couldn't use all the space to themselves. Granted, there wasn't much livable space as there was due to poor financial situation but perhaps...once Sab's job as an oceanographer took off, they'd be able to build a nursery to put their little one. Sab particularly enjoyed the idea of creating a child, that's for sure.

Though monogamy was far from her game, to be a true widow, one must marry. That is the law of the world. But no way would she take a man's name. Hess was hers! So it was she who popped the question. Sab was hesitant but who could resist the shiny ring? Seriously. No one can resist the shiny.

So ends the first tale of Sophia Hess. She is happy in knowing her reign will soon begin and there will soon be proof of her work, in more than one ways. Until then, she is comfortable in knowing she will not need to lift a finger. A leg, perhaps. But not a finger, as her loyal mate will provide until someone of better standing comes along.
1 comment:
I just read the first entry of your black widow blog...and I LOVE it!!!!
Now I need to go get me a cup of coffee and sit down for a long read. She's very pretty by the way!
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