Sophia was growing ever tired with Amin. The man was lacking in the pizazz department. His strangely cute face just wasn't cutting it anymore. Some nights, she grew so bored with him, she refused to share the same bed as him. Of course, she didn't seek bed elsewhere. Heavens no! She set him out instead, forcing the man to sleep on the couch. So she suggested he mold a skill and thus, under the guidance of Gabriel, he began crafting his culinary prowess.

After tasting a few of his meals, Sophia realized perhaps it wasn't such a good idea. He couldn't tell the different between salt and sugar! But cooking did keep him distracted. Lately, he had been growing hostile towards the children. He stopped doing the little things they asked of him, such as reading to them or playing catch with them. He even began poking fun at them, making fun of Henri's weight gain or Eva's lack of coordination. Sophia might've been able to put up with his terrible cooking but she refused to put up with his insulting her children. He had to sleep in the mudroom. She refused to left him even sleep on the couch.
Amin started to notice how his actions were affecting people. Normally, he wouldn't bother to care. If people didn't like his attitude, so what? But his attitude was threatening his chances with a hot woman and a big house. So he decided to get some counseling with Dr. Stein, a man one of Sophia's friends introduced to him. The sessions were really helping his demeanor towards others.
Gabriel wasn't as bothered by Amin as the other children. Now that he was older, he was beginning to live a very busy life. School took up much of his day but he was also looking for a part time job. In between his homework and job hunts, he kept busy by keeping in touch with his siblings. College life sounded so fun! He couldn't wait to be there with them.
Being with them also meant being able to live with Catalina. She had been a friend since childhood and Gabriel never once thought of her as anything more. But suddenly, he just couldn't get her off his mind. The two walked to school together, walked home together, had study sessions together...soon, he was in love. There was no question about it. Gabriel just couldn't wait for them both to venture to college together.

That is, if he lived 'till then! As a kid, he had seen a ghost. But he thought it was just a bad dream, as his mother told him he was seeing things. But this was clear as day! It wasn't the same ghost, he noticed, but one of a redhaired man. He looked an awful lot like Daniel too...

Gabriel wasn't the only one who had a ghostly encounter. Henri, too, saw a spirit. He had been sleeping. It was late and the whole house was quiet. But his stomach started to churn, waking him. He rubbed his eyes, turned on the light and began to crawl out of bed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a blue figure floating through the wall. He immediantly woke up Gabriel and the two boys discussed what they saw. When they tried to tell their mother, she refused to believe them.

While Gabriel had Catalina to distract him from the supernatural, Henri had sports. He had to admit, he wasn't much a fan. He was a fan of food and being so, he was left at a huge disadvantage when it came to physical activities. But Eva was a huge sport enthusiast and it was through her that he was able to participate without feeling strange.

Vivian wasn't as tomboyish as her sister, so she was often left to do her own thing. She inherited Roselle's ballet bar and really took a liking to it. Ballet and dancing in general was just so fun for her. She even joined My Muse, a dancing studio. She also worked on her voice. Someday, Sophia was sure, Vivian would become the next Filippa Giordano.
And Sophia? As always, she was drawn towards her sewing machine. Raising several children at once, she had begun to neglect it. But she had to sew herself a nice new dress. After all, she'd have to go on the hunt again soon. She had to look her best.