Eva wasn't exactly the most responsible twin. She didn't like doing chores or helping out with the education of her baby brother or sister. She had better things to do! She was at her prime, teen-wise. She much preferred to be out at clubs with boys she just met. But Mother's wrath was frightening. So with the knowledge she could possibly end up like her mother's lovers, she reluctantly began to help out around the house, starting with taking care of Joel.

Of course, her romance life wouldn't be second banana. She had worked hard and finally won over the paper boy. It was rewarding to receive free subscriptions with the Sunday paper now. He might've been a bit hard to win over but it was well worth it. He was cute.

Of course, he wasn't her only fling. She had met a few other boys who were just as nice but easier to please. They were fun to hang out with. They took her out to nice restaurants and sometimes to the arcade. They even took her shopping. Of course, they were just small fry. College...now that's where the real challenges were. She couldn't wait.

Sophia, on the other hand, couldn't wait to rid herself of Anthony. Sure, the dark vampire gentleman thing was hot. Sophia did enjoy being swept off her feet. But she had a reputation to uphold. And he was getting a bit hard to handle, what with having learned of her indiscretions. So it was time to let him go. It wasn't difficult. Vampires, she found, were easily gotten rid of. She didn't need to watch a bunch of movies to figure that one out. A simple lock of the door while Anthony was outside during the night made sure he was left out there when the sun rose.

With Anthony making a vacancy in the house, Sophia was free to move in another one of her lovers. While she pondered asking her lady love to move in, she eventually settled on long time flame Pong. He had been good to her, right? She could at least reward him by allowing him to occupy Casa de Hess for just a short period of time.
Pong Fuchs
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Brought 11k

Pong wasn't the only new addition to the house. For the longest time, Sophia and the kids wanted a pet. A dog? A cat? Which to get? After having her lawn destroyed time and time again by dogs, it was clear. A cat was the pet for her. So Sophia adopted an older female cat whom she named Delilah. Delilah was a sweet cat. She didn't get in the way and was just content curling up on the couch next to Sophia. She was the perfect pet for a woman Sophia's age.

The girls were both thrilled to have a pet, Eva especially. Cats were awesome in her book. She enjoyed feeding and playing with Delilah. It was strange. She whined and complained when asked to help out with her younger siblings yet jumped at the chance to take care of the cat. If her enthusiasm remained after college, Sophia pondered giving Delilah to Eva to keep.

While Sophia loved Delilah very much, it was nice having someone else take care of her too. Sophia was a bust woman! In between taking care of babies and cats, she had little time for herself. But finding herself with extra money and Pong at work, she decided to give her old friend Lady Matchmaker a call. The woman reluctantly came, bringing an eligible bachelor with her. Sophia tried to assure the woman she wasn't taking advantage of her and that all the dates she brought truly had met untimely accidental ends.

Taking a break from her romancing, Sophia celebrated Joel's birthday. He was just as cute as his brothers, though his traits definitely came from his father. He'd grow into them, naturally. Until then, he was Sophia's little buggie, what with his large eyes.

It wasn't long until Anthony made his undead death known. His spirit wandered around with the others, though he was far more vengeful. He terrorized Eva as she finished up some late night work on her car. He even got Sophia, causing the woman to wet herself a bit. It was the first time one of her ghostly lovers has truly stricken fear into her heart...
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